5th January, 2022
Chorus Worldwide and maJAJa are proud to have released Dungeon Munchies onto the Nintendo Switch and want to assure everyone that the game is a complete and finished version of the first 2 chapters of the story, which will ultimately conclude with an additional chapter (currently in development and scheduled for a mid-2022 release). When Chapter 3 is complete and ready to serve, it will be delivered to everyone as a free update.
The game’s Early Access status on Steam is a reflection of the full vision for the game being 3 chapters long, therefore continuing the story past the current two chapters, and also an opportunity for players to buy the game at a reduced price. Once the final chapter is out of the oven, the game will shed its Early Access status and retail at a higher price. Players who purchase the game – now on Nintendo Switch or on Steam, or very shortly on PlayStation and Xbox – will receive Chapter 3 free of charge.
As a small indie publisher and indie developer, everyone at Chorus Worldwide and maJAJa are grateful for the support the game’s received and we can’t wait to share the last chapter with everyone.